Migrating To Your New Data Warehouse (Video)

Join us as we discuss best practices and actionable advice for migrating your data to your new data warehouse. If you have a new data warehouse or you’re thinking of migrating to one, this video is for you!

We share our thoughts on when to lift and shift and when to just start over. We touch on bringing data over to a new data warehouse in new forms and why you should keep your stakeholders in mind throughout the data migration process. Rethinking data pipelines and priorities is talked about, as well as building around a new vision. We note the potential risks, strategies, and opportunities in migrating your data, which data reports would benefit most from being moved first, and the importance of validating your data. Then, we chat about the benefits of introducing new tools, such as Great Expectations, and tips for optimizing your cost efficiency while migrating data.

“We definitely don’t advise doing everything at once either. There’s a temptation that we’re just going to move it all over right now and be done with it… that’s typically a recipe for getting overwhelmed and probably going over budget and over time.” - Joe Reis

Joseph Reis