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Practical data engineering advice

Data Engineering Consulting

Get practical advice for your data engineering project.

Stuck on a problem, have a team, and want them to level up their skills? We partner with your data engineering team to help them become better versions of themselves.

We will guide you toward the right data engineering approach for your business, balancing your needs against modern best practices and best of breed technologies.

You will have a modern, cloud-based data architecture that meets your business needs.
You will get an actionable roadmap from certified data engineering experts.
You will save money and time by getting your data engineering goals right, the first time.


Consulting and Advising

Get practical data engineering consulting and advice

Stuck on how to be effective with data engineering? – Often, all it takes to get unstuck is to get the right advice at the right time. Put the analysis paralysis behind you. Learn exactly what to do next. Let’s set up a 1 on 1 session and get you moving forward with your data engineering initiatives. Why?

  • Expert data architects and data engineers trusted by some of the top companies in the world

  • We’ve helped companies just like yours

  • We routinely command an effective hourly rate of $1000+ per hour

Here's how it works

Let’s sit down and understand the problem you’re trying to solve. We will meet with your team and understand your goals. Next, we will develop a clear strategic and tactical roadmap for success.

The deliverable is a highly detailed report covering your current state, future goals, and a roadmap for achieving your goals. We also include a high-level summarization for executives.

After that, we can help you take action with proofs of concepts with various options for your data engineering initiative, advising your data team to become better versions of themselves.


We price according to the value you’ll get from the engagement, and you’ll easily recoup your investment by saving time and choosing the right path for your data engineering initiative. Your engagement includes team interviews, a written action plan, architecture diagrams, advising your team, and a final review with you.

A 50% deposit is due upfront, with the remaining 50% due upon completion of the engagement. Discount available for upfront payment.

Ready to get started?

Are you ready to take your data engineering to the next level? Great! Contact us to set up your session by clicking the button below.

Get data engineering right, today.



Let’s chat about your data journey

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